
Support Your Community

Donations: The RAP Foundation is a tax exempt public benefit corporation as identified in Section 501 C (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Gifts to the RAP Foundation are charitable contributions. The RAP Foundation does accept donations and gifts which provide the flexibility necessary for the foundation to address unmet needs that currently exist or may arise during the year.


Minimize Taxes Support a Cause

Estate Planning: Consider a planned charitable gift to the RAP Foundation. While the foundation accepts donations of cash, we are also able to accept real estate, bequests through wills, trust agreements and may be the beneficiary of an insurance policy. Speak to your estate planning attorney or financial advisor regarding gifts that may provide you with income and then a charitable gift to the RAP Foundation.


You Shop - You Help

Shop: Every time you shop the stores in the Costco Shopping Center on Dinah Shore and Monterey in Palm Desert you help local charities. A piece of funding to the RAP Foundation comes from an agreement with the County of Riverside resulting from an agreement between the County and the City of Palm Desert where the sales tax is matched and passed to the RAP Foundation to be used to provide services in eastern Riverside County.