Non-Profit support

Become a Volunteer
Regional Access Project Foundation relies on volunteers to help further our mission. Whether it is to join a committee, assist with logistical support for local events, participate in fundraisers, prepare mailings, or answer telephones, your help can make a profound difference.
Become a VolunteerMake a Donation

Join Our Group.

“Giving back” is a proud and rewarding experience. Many have reported that in return for their time and talents they have received benefits that far exceeded their expectations or what they feel they contributed.   Our volunteers are recruited via the Riverside Office of Aging.  Please contact them at  760-771-0501.  Through  volunteering, many:

Felt needed and valued
Made a difference in someone’s life
Broadened their sober social contacts and met new people
Learned new skills
Increased their self-esteem and self-confidence
Learned that they had skills they were unaware of
Contributed to their own community
Got purpose to their day
Received satisfaction from completing a task
Felt a part of something larger than themselves
Felt proud of their commitment
Found a place to share their talents or skills

Become a Volunteer